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Ratings: 7.3 / 10 from 4 users
Born in a small town in Japan, a young girl named Ai is sent to a cult commune by her religious maniac mother and lives there for seven long years. After the cult is exposed by the police, Ai starts a new stage of life, going to a normal school for the first time, but she can’t find her place to fit in there. Ai drops out from the school and society, spending her life living with a rock-bottom delinquent family full of gangsters and call girls. In a strange twist of fate she finds herself back in a new and normal life, living with a middle-class family, but her troubled life continues to follow her into more deep and seedy paths.
Date of Release : Jul 15,2017
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Drama | Comedy
Movies Size : Size: 809 MB
Movies Length : Length: 95 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p Bluray