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Ratings: 4.4 / 10 from 7 users
You have never seen its like -- and may never see its equal!
The story in this motion picture manages the determination of Spaniards to reclaim their nation from the French who have vanquished Spain under Napoleon as he walked over Europe. A gigantic gun, maybe the biggest on the planet around then, is disposed of by the armed force as they withdraw from the French trespassers. A "ragtag" gathering of Spanish followers discover "The Gun" and start to reestablish it so they may tow it crosswise over Spain to the French fortification in Avila and utilize it to open the goliath dividers for an intrusion. Fortunately Britain has sent somebody to recover the gun for England so they can have it to battle the French additionally AND to ensure that the French don't get the firearm! A shoemaker and his shapely young lady companion are the pioneers of the laborers endeavoring to get the weapon to Avila. The Brit can't inspire help to recover the goliath weapon to his ship without the laborers and the shoemaker won't help him unless they all go impact Avila open first. The Brit has the information expected to discharge the weapon and the ...
Date of Release : Jul 10,1957
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Drama | Adventure | Action | Romance
Movies Size : Size: 932 MB
Movies Length : Length: 132 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p Bluray