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Ratings: 2.5 / 10 from 2 users
The RIDE ALONG 2 continuation grabs around a year after our legends' last experience. Plans for a fast outing to Miami turn sour. With the wedding up and coming, James reluctantly brings Ben with him to Miami to catch up on a lead associated with a medication ring case he's been attempting to split. In Miami, they meet Maya, a no-b.s crime who lets them know, Miami is her turf. They additionally experience AJ a shady, arrogant PC programmer who uncovers prove that embroils an all around regarded neighborhood representative, the affluent Antonio Pope, who harbors a horrendous streak and standards South Florida's medication exchange. On the off chance that Ben and James can persuade the powers that Pope is a ruthless wrongdoing manager they'll stop his spree. In the event that they come up short, well there may not be a wedding all things considered.
Date of Release : Jan 15,2016
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Comedy | Action
Movies Size : Size: 746 MB
Movies Length : Length: 102 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p ,1080p Bluray