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Ratings: 7.4 / 10 from 44 users
Precisely one week in the life of a young fellow named Paterson of Paterson, New Jersey is exhibited. He experience a to a great degree controlled and routinized life, that routine maybe most clearly showed by the way that he can wake up at the very same time each day without a caution. That life incorporates having Cheerios for breakfast, strolling to work conveying his cocoa sack lunch put together in his lunch bucket by his significant other Laura, having an easygoing visit with his associate Donny before he starts his day of work driving the #23 Paterson transport for the nearby open travel organization, strolling home where he rectifies the outside post box which by one means or another amid the day gets thumped slanted, dining with Laura and tuning in to her goings-on of the day, taking Laura's English bulldog Marvin - who he would admit to himself he doesn't much like - out for a stroll to his neighborhood bar where he has one and just a single brew before strolling home with Marvin. There are everyday varieties which are frequently the ...
Date of Release : Nov 17,2016
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Drama | Comedy
Movies Size : Size: 869 MB
Movies Length : Length: 118 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p Bluray