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She fought for her home. And yours.
A residential area nurture named Susette Kelo develops as the hesitant pioneer of her average workers neighbors in their battle to spare their homes from political and corporate interests keen on grabbing the land and giving it over to Pfizer Corporation. Susette's fight goes the distance to the US Supreme Court and the questionable 5-4 choice in Kelo versus City of New London enabled government authorities to bulldoze an area for the advantage of a multibillion-dollar company. The choice insulted Americans over the political range, and that enthusiasm powered changes that helped control prominent space mishandle.
Date of Release : Apr 20,2018
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Drama
Movies Size : Size: 841 MB
Movies Length : Length: 98 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p WEBRip