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Ratings: 6 / 10 from 1 users
After a large number of years of supposing we are separated from everyone else in the universe we interpret a message (in the 60s) letting us know we are not the only one, and that the universe is a hazardous spot and that we will be assaulted. Fortunately, the coded message originated from a well disposed outsider race that fathered and secured us throughout the years. Furthermore, now they are giving us the instruments to battle back (as force defensive layer). In any case, the conveyance administration takes quite a while, and amid those loooong decades sitting tight for that load boat to land with their one force suit, they pick a champion of earth to prepare to wear the suit and shield the earth! At that point the boat at long last arrives... Just to get shot around 4 blockheads who play with the suit and at last get one piece each adhered to them. Presently they have to work with the legislature to prepare these 4 dolts with individual pieces connected to them. Will they spare the day or will they remain around pondering life?
Date of Release : Jan 27,2016
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Comedy | Action
Movies Size : Size: 768 MB
Movies Length : Length: 102 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p Bluray