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Ratings: 9 / 10 from 4 users
Sooner rather than later, Earth has been crushed by dry season and starvation, bringing on a lack in sustenance and great changes in atmosphere. At the point when humankind is confronting elimination, a secretive tear in the space-time continuum is found, giving humanity the chance to broaden its lifespan. A gathering of pilgrims must travel past our close planetary system looking for a planet that can maintain life. The group of the Endurance are required to think greater and go more distant than any human in history as they leave on an interstellar voyage into the obscure. Coop, the pilot of the Endurance, must settle on seeing his youngsters again and the eventual fate of mankind.
Date of Release : Nov 07,2014
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Drama | Adventure | Sci-Fi
Movies Size : Size: 1000 MB
Movies Length : Length: 169 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p ,1080p Bluray