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Ratings: 5 / 10 from 2 users
An unkown element has hacked into a Soviet rocket and pointed it at the United States. With minutes before Mutually Assured Destruction, an American military industrialist and a Soviet atomic administrator race with time as the opponent to keep a country from atomic obliteration. Unbeknownst to them his risk is only the start of a significantly greater emergency - one that will change the course of history for eternity. "Blackmark" is the principal full length film to handle the Cold War from the point of view of the military modern complex. The film is a starting point story, demonstrating the enormous power and impact these organizations have had through the span of present day history. It's a classification challenging, high-pressure spine chiller in the vein of Michael Mann and Neal Stephenson, saturated with the distrustfulness and dread of worldwide governmental issues, reminiscent of great thrill rides "Seven Days in May" and "The Hunt for Red October."
Date of Release : Nov 20,2017
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Thriller
Movies Size : Size: 806 MB
Movies Length : Length: 94 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p WEBRip