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Ratings: 6.5 / 10 from 8 users
Are they real?
At the point when Chris Norton was a kid, he saw a contention of his folks. His mom goes out, there is a power flood and she vanishes. His dad Peter Norton claims that she has been stole by outsiders. On the present days, Chris is a movie producer that needs to uncover the trick about outsider snatching that wrecked his family. He ventures out with his team to New Mexico to talk with individuals that guarantee that had been snatched by outsider that take an interest in an outsider composition advanced by Bill Johnson. Chris and his camera Brent meet Emily Reed, who asserts that was snatched when she was seven and fourteen years of age. She will be twenty-one on three days and Chris chooses to remain with her. They experience passionate feelings for one another while unusual things happen to Chris and Brent. What is reality about outsider kidnapping?
Date of Release : May 18,2018
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Thriller | Horror | Mystery | Sci-Fi
Movies Size : Size: 704 MB
Movies Length : Length: 82 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p Bluray