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Ratings: 6.1 / 10 from 17 users
Seymour Levov, passing by the moniker of "Swede" in the Jewish people group he was naturally introduced to, was considerably a greater amount of an all-American than Douglas Fairbanks himself. He had simply everything an American symbol can dream of: not exclusively was the tall solid young fellow his secondary school star competitor however he wedded a lovely lady named Dawn into the deal. What's more, as though this were insufficient, Swede later turned into the fruitful supervisor of the glove manufacturing plant his dad had established, which permitted him to live with his significant other in a wonderful house in the New Jersey wide open. Very much mannered, constantly brilliant, grinning and positive, moderate however with a liberal edge, what awful would ever transpire ? But then... But this was retribution without destiny and its upsetting incongruity, Swede and Dawn's adversary showing itself in the individual of Merry, their dearest little girl who in her high schoolers out of the blue transformed into a brutal dissident...
Date of Release : Oct 20,2016
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Drama
Movies Size : Size: 789 MB
Movies Length : Length: 108 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p Bluray