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Ratings: 5.7 / 10 from 7 users
Control your fear Production: Gravitas Ventures
An aggressive race of aliens took over Planet Earth and humanity's at its end, living in giant bunkers below ground. Young Military rookie S.U.M.1 (Iwan Rheon) is sent to the surface to save a group of unprotected survivors. An aggressive race of aliens took over Planet Earth and humanity's at its end, living in giant bunkers below ground. Young Military rookie S.U.M.1 (Iwan Rheon) is sent to the surface to save a group of unprotected survivors.
Date of Release : Mar 11,2017
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Sci-Fi
Movies Size : Size: 715 MB
Movies Length : Length: 92 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 720p , 1080p Bluray