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  The Truth About Sugar: Movie

Watch & Download Movie: The Truth About Sugar

Ratings:  5.5 / 10  from  1  users

 Movie Description

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 Movie Storyline

Journalist Fiona Phillips is on a mission to find out the truth behind the recent headlines on sugar. She discovers why some of us have more of a sweet tooth than others, which sugars you can enjoy guilt-free, why there is so much sugar hidden in food you would think was purely savoury and what effect sugary drinks have on the appetite. Fiona also helps four Brits, whose sugar-heavy diets could be putting their health at risk, to change their ways. From coming up with low-sugar recipes to finding ways to beat the sweet cravings, they will see whether cutting back to the levels suggested by health authorities is really achievable and what the benefits actually are.


Date of Release :  Apr 14,2015

Movies Genres :  Hollywood Movies | Documentary

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