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Ratings: 7.5 / 10 from 4 users
Laura Partridge is a very enthusiastic small stockholder of ten shares in International Projects, a large corporation based in New York City. She attends her first stockholders meeting ready to question the board of directors from their salaries to their operations. These are not the questions which the board expected to be asked of them, especially since they are all crooked, except for Edward McKeever, the current CEO who has resigned in order to take an advisory position at the Pentagon. Following the meeting, he bumps into Laura and offers to drive her home. On the way there, Laura displays her enthusiasm for being a stockholder, as a result, Edward takes a liking to her. With Edward in Washington, D.C., John Blessington and Clifford Snell establish their hold on International Projects. They see greater riches now that Edward has influence with the U.S. Senate, especially with the awarding of federal contracts, unfortunately for them, he is honest, and won't do their bidding. In ...
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Comedy | Romance
Movies Length : Length: 99 Minute(s)