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Ratings: 6 / 10 from 1 users
A chronicle of James Browns rise from extreme poverty to become one of the most influential musicians in history.
On route to the stage, singer James Brown recalls a life with a turbulent childhood where music was his only constructive release for his passions. A chance demonstration of that in prison led to a new friend who helped get him out and into a musical career. With his fire and creative daring, Brown became a star who defiantly created new possibilities in show business both on and behind the stage in face of racism and conventional thinking. Along the way, James would also become a peacemaker who redefined and raised the African-American communitys feeling of self-worth when it was needed most. However, those same domineering passions would lead James Brown alienating everyone around him as his appetites became ever more self-destructive. Only after he hit rock bottom with a serious mistake does Brown realize what he needs to do make his life as the Godfather of Soul truly worthwhile.
Date of Release : Aug 01,2014
Movies Genres : Hollywood Movies | Drama | Biography
Movies Size : Size: 955 MB
Movies Length : Length: 138 Minute(s)
Movies Resolution : Resolution: 1280*696