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Ratings: 6.85 / 10 from 412 users
A mysterious disease known as 'the gloom' is sweeping through the city, and tensions are high as a rebellion brews. But Garrett, the master thief, soon figures out he isn't the only thing that lurks in the shadows.
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon R9 series or better / Nvidia GTX 660 series or better
DirectX: DirectX 11
Other PC Features
Input & UI
Full mouse & keyboard integration for the user interface with customized context bar, all buttons are clickable and can be controlled with keyboard.
Custom designed weapons bar when playing with mouse & keyboard
Extensive Customization for Graphics & Display including the following options:
o Toggle fullscreen
o Vsync
o Resolution adjustment
o Refresh rate
o For 3D: Stereo separation
o For 3D: Stereo depth
o Fov sliders
o Texture quality & Texture filtering quality
o Shadow quality
o Screenspace reflection
o Depth of field quality
o Parallax occlusion mapping aka POM
o Contact Hardening Shadows
Change text language in-game via the Audio menu
4K resolution support
Benchmark mode
Mouse & Keyboard mapping
Xbox 360 controller support
Custom Save/Load system including auto save and manual saves, similar to what we did for Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Surround multi monitor support
3D vision support
3D vision + Surround multi monitor support
SLi support
Steam community & leaderboard integration
Steam achievements
Steam trading cards